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For Your Consideration

por Simpatía

Álbum triple

En Jarana Beat estamos muy contentos, pues acabamos de culminar un trabajo sonoro donde se encontraron más de 55 músicos, artistas, ingenieros y diseñadores.  El resultado es ‘Vibración por Simpatía’ un álbum triple que documenta, durante 7 años, el soundtrack de una comunidad que siembra y comparte sus tradiciones musicales en el Sur del Bronx, Nueva York. 

At Jarana Beat we are very proud to have recorded an album where more than 55 musicians, artists, engineers and designers, met to create music. The result is “Vibración Por Simpatía” (Empathetic Vibrations), a triple album that has documented the soundtrack of a community for 7 years, and how they've nurtured and shared their traditions in the South Bronx, New York.

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Después de 12 años de trabajo de campo en la capital del mundo y cinco de grabación, La propuesta de Jarana Beat hoy a llegado a un punto único y Maduro y nos presentan su última producción que lleva como nombre “Vibración por Simpatía”, bajo la dirección musical y artística de Sinuhé Padilla Isunza. Este documento sonoro es un precedente de cómo se reencuentran las raíces indígenas, andaluzas y del oeste africano, a través de los folklores primos que conviven y se recrean en la gran manzana con un sonido de culturas milenarias a principios de un nuevo milenio.

After 12 years of field work and investigation and 5 years of recording in the capital of the world, Jarana Beat's proposal has achieved a unique and mature state. They present to us a their latest musical production “Vibración por Simpatía” (Vibrations by Sympathy) under the musical and artistic direction of Sinuhé Padilla Isunza. This sonorous document tells the story of how, through relative folklores, the indigenous roots encountered the Spanish roots, and the west African. Distant cousins that coexist and recreate themselves in the big apple from a millenary culture and now about to begin a new millenium.

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Este álbum de tres Movimientos más que un disco de una banda, es un documento sonoro que cuenta a manera de soundtrack siete años de la historia de Jarana Beat y sus integrantes en diversas épocas. Narra también los primeros siete Encuentros de Jaraneros en Nueva York, en el que importantes exponentes del Son Jarocho participaron y dejaron un pedacito de su historia en canciones.

​"Siete años del sonido con el que se vive y recrea hoy la música afroamerindia de México y Latinoamérica en la ciudad de Nueva York" Sinuhé Padilla.

​Así, “Vibración Por Simpatía” es un minucioso compilado de 55 artistas unidos en una sinfonía/fandango que expresa los sonidos de un México universal y ancestral, así como sus relaciones con los folklores primos de diversos países que históricamente compartieron las mismas raíces e influencias culturales y que hoy se vuelven a encontrar en una nueva escena global y cosmopolita.

This three-part album, more than a record, is a sound document that tells in the form of a soundtrack seven years of the history of Jarana Beat and its members. It also narrates the first seven “Encuentro de Jaraneros of New York”, in which important representatives of Son Jarocho participated and left a bit of their story in songs.

"Seven years of the sound with which the Afro-American music of Mexico and Latin America have found themselves and have been recreated in New York City" Sinuhé Padilla.


Thus, “Vibración Por Sympathy” is a meticulous compilation of 55 artists united in a symphony/fandango that expresses the sounds of a universal and ancestral Mexico, as well as their relationships with other relative folk music of different countries that have historically shared the same roots and cultural influences and that today meet again in a new global and cosmopolitan scene.

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about jarana beat

Double Nominee at the 2020 Independent Music Awards and winner of the 2015 Mexican Music Award for Best Contemporary Folk Band, this 10-piece band led by composer/producer Sinuhé Padilla-Isunza aimes to share the unknown sounds of Mexico with an exciting blend of afro amerindian Mexican traditional music with contemporary original ideas. The music is conscious, all original and deeply rooted; a combination of where Mexico’s Afro-Amerindian music came from and where it stands today. The band features a wide variety of traditional instruments, such as jaranas, leona, ayoyote shells, donkey jawbones and they feature two dancers that interweave percussive footwork into the rhythms, creating a rich and dynamic performance. 


In 2011 the band released its first album “¡Echapalante!” and in 2021 they released their three-part album “Vibración Por Simpatía”, gaining the media and the crowd’s attention. 


Jarana Beat has toured throughout the East Coast of the US, Montreal, and Mexico, in cities such as Veracruz (San Andrés and Xalapa), Queretaro and Toluca. Jarana Beat’s unforgettable performance has graced stages like the Smithsonian Institute’s Folklife Festival, The Bowery Ballroom and Symphony Space. Their journey has harnessed the media and industry’s attention, landing an interview on NPR’s Tell Me More and an official showcase at SXSW 2012 in Austin. Jarana Beat has also shared the stage with world renowned artists such as Dan Zanes, Mono Blanco, Los Vega and Lila Downs, weaving a truly colorful journey through the Afro-Amerindian culture of Mexico.


Aside from performing, Jarana Beat is also actively involved in educational projects and cultural outreach, leading traditional son jarocho fandango’s and teaching this genre in multiple spaces around NYC.

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Acá Entre Nos

Jarana Beat sorprende con su nuevo álbum musical 'Vibración por simpatía'

"Más allá de ser el disco de una banda, es la banda sonora de una comunidad", dice Sinuhé

Padilla, uno de los integrantes del grupo, que habla en 'Acá Entre Nos' sobre este reciente

proyecto que reúne lo mejor de la música afro amerindia, mexicana y latina.

Translation: Jarana Beat surprises with her new musical album 'Vibración por simpatia'

"Beyond being the album of a band, it is the soundtrack of a community", says Sinuhé Padilla, one

of the members of the group, who speaks in 'Acá Entre Nos' about this recent project that brings

together the best of music Afro Amerindian, Mexican and Latino.

Feb 21, 2021

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Jarana Beat: New York Fandango to 'fight back' the pandemic's gloom

The second urban-folk album by the New York band brings a juicy beat that invokes Caribbean

aromas under the New York lights.

By Albert Gomez

February 09, 2021

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Warm Up Your Winter With New Songs

Highlighted “Aquel Pasado” by Jarana Beat.

By: Felix Contreras

February 14, 2021

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